My internet shut down before I could finish my last post of what has been going on in the past couple of weeks. My Mom, Erin and her kids came down to visit during their spring break. The traveling went really well for the most part. The kids were troopers and made the 12 hour drive. We had good weather for the most part. It rained a little on Saturday but other than that is was sunny and warm. The kids got to play outside a lot and went swimming in the lake which was cold but they did not care. We have a pool at our complex that they swam in for 5 min. before we got kicked out. Apparently it wasn't open yet but they never covered it or anything so I thought it was open year around. They need to get a permit every year and that is not until May. So we were bummed, but Pete's dad has a condo on the lake that has a beach area so we went over there instead. It was a busy few days but it was wonderful having family down here. We went to some parks, Jake went rock climbing and got a private viewing of the Nascar track. So it was a good spring break for him. All the kids played well together. The push car was a big hit. Lindsey pushed Pj and Ty in it all weekend long. It was fun to see PJ interact with them since he normally does not have many kids to play with. It tired him out and it took a few days to get caught up on his sleep again. I am glad that it worked out for them to come down and see where we live. Thanks again for making the trip Erin and Mom. Hopefully you can do it again soon.
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