This is what happens when you let a 2 year old eat yogurt unassisted. I was feeding Joe while PJ was attempting to eat most of his yogurt. Good thing we have a washing machine.
Pete's mom normally cuts PJ's but it was getting really long. So Pete decided to take his clippers to his hair. PJ normally doesn't mind getting it done but he didn't really like the clippers. It was a little bit of a challenge, but we got it done. Now he looks like his cousin Jake.
I am sure we will have to do it again in a couple of weeks.
I woke up this morning to a sound that sounded familiar but couldn't figure it out. It was about 6:15 am and I hear this crunching noise. So I look outside and I thought I was in MI for a second. We had received about a inch of snow over night. It was quit icey and really crunchy. So I took some pictures since we don't normally see it that often down here. I think most schools were closed and I know some buisnesses closed. Crazy crazy.