Sunday, March 8, 2009

Here "Jodgee" aka Joey

If you have 5 minutes and want to watch "Jodgee" as PJ says (listen for it if you watch) eat cheerios by himself (for the first time that I can remember) here is a video. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This to this in just a few days

We went from a snow storm to our first trip to Lake Norman all within a few days. This is PJ on March 4, playing in the "water" with his boots on. He has to wear them everyday. Which is ok cause he can easily put them on and take them off by himself.

Then this is PJ on March 7 playing in the real water. We moved into a condo which is on the lake by us, so I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time here this summer.

Joe just hung out on the beach. By the end of the summer I am sure he will be right in there with PJ.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Doctor appointements

Both the boys had a doctors appointment today, PJ-2 year and Joe-9 months.  I took my camera and the battery was dead so no pictures.  They are both healthy and doing well.  The doctor made a comment on how she only sees our kids on their well visits and not for being sick.  I thought that was a good complement.  So here are the stats:
weight: 20.6 lbs   10-25th %
height: 27 1/2 in    25th %
head: 18  50-75th% (hes got a big head)

weight: 25.1 lbs  10-25th %
height: 33 3/4   25th %
head: 19 25th % (did you notice his head is only a inch bigger than Joes?)  
they are both doing great and are growing perfectly.  We thank God all the time for our healthy and happy boys.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Free window washing!

Free window washing, if you want him to come over and do yours give me a call.