Sunday, August 17, 2008

Life with one child

I decided to go back to NC to be with Pete for the weekend. Since Joe is kinda attached to me he flew with me. It was his first time flying and he did a great job. The only problem I had was trying to find a private area to feed him in Chicago airport. There are not many private places, plus our flight got in late so we were in a hurry as well. We got the job done though just in time. Pete and I went back memory lane of only having one child that did not talk, walk, or eat solid food. It was wonderful not having to come up with a meal that you don't even know if they will eat it. We definitely missed PJ and are looking forward to seeing him again, but it was a nice little break from that. He was in great hands of our parents and they enjoy having him to themselves since they do not get that that often. So this weekend on Friday while Pete worked I went out to the stores and Joe slept happily in his car seat. I didn't have to worry about naps or anything. We went out for dinner a few times, and could have an adult conversation. It was nice. But back to reality tomorrow.
Waiting for our plane, which was lateHe was a happy boy patiently waitingthen he got bored
So he went to sleep and slept on most of both plane rides.

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